Fanny Brate has become best known for her domestic interiors painted around the turn of the last century. A Day of Celebration is her most widely recognised work and has been reproduced on everything from postcards to coffee tins.
In A Day of Celebration Brate depicts preparations for a name’s day party in a large room at her husband’s family estate, Brategården in Bråfors in the district of Bergslagen. The room features light furniture and textiles. The off-white Gustavian 18th-century furniture is combined here with older-style painted wall hangings and modern window dressing. The table is decorated with meadow flowers and ivy. All the greenery and light of nature appears to have moved indoors. In this work, Brate thus achieves a kind of interior open-air painting.
命名日是和本人同名的圣徒纪念日。主要在一些天主教、东正教国家庆祝,比如希腊。对命名日的庆祝是基督教国家从中世纪就有的一项传统。 命名日源于基督教会对圣徒和受难者举行纪念的节日。现在不同的国家有不同的命名日体系。