The identity of this arrogant young man is unknown, but he must have belonged to Bronzino’s close circle of literary friends in Florence and probably holds a book of poetry. The artist was himself a poet, delighting as much in the beauty of language as he did in the witty and fanciful details of his paintings. Here, viewers would have appreciated the carved grotesque heads on the table and chair, and the almost hidden, masklike face suggested in the folds of the youth’s breeches as comments on masks and disguises. They contrast with the youth’s own handsome looks.
布龙齐诺的肖像画与佛罗伦萨的文化精英联系紧密,在他的画笔下,历史学家和哲学家本尼德托·瓦尔奇(Benedetto Varchi)、诗人劳拉·贝特弗瑞(Laura Battiferri)变得不朽;布龙齐诺自己也是一个出色的彼特拉克文体诗人。