Van Gogh painted several still lifes of shoes or boots during his Paris period. This picture, painted later, in Arles, evinces a unique return to the earlier motif. However, here Van Gogh has placed the shoes within a specific spatial context: namely, the red-tile floor of the Yellow House. Not only may we identify the setting, but perhaps the owner of the shoes as well. It has been suggested that this "still life of old peasants' shoes" may have been those of Patience Escalier, whose portrait Van Gogh executed around the same time, late summer 1888.
梵高在巴黎时期画了几幅鞋子或靴子的静物画。这幅后来在阿尔勒绘制的画,显示了对早期主题的独特回归。然而,在这里梵高把鞋子放在一个特定的空间背景下:即黄房子的红色瓷砖地板。我们不仅可以确定背景,还可以确定鞋子的主人。有人认为,这幅“老农民鞋子的静物画”可能是佩蒂斯·埃斯卡利埃的物品,他的肖像梵高(Van Gogh)大约在同一时间,1888年夏末完成。