

图片尺寸:3000 × 1980 像素
作品名称:Symphony in White, No. 3
创作者:詹姆斯·惠斯勒 James McNeill Whistler
实际尺寸:52 x 76.5 cm
现位于: Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham
版权信息: Public Domain(公有领域)


图片尺寸:3000 × 1980 像素
图片大小:2.92 MB



白色交响曲第3号,是詹姆斯-阿伯特-麦克尼尔-惠斯勒的一幅画。作品展示了两个女人,一个坐在沙发上,穿着白色的衣服,另一个坐在地上休息,身上穿着淡黄色的衣服。沙发上的模特是Joanna Heffernan,艺术家的情妇。惠斯勒将这幅画称为《白色交响曲第3号》,意在强调他受诗人查尔斯-波德莱尔启发而提出的相应艺术理念。地板上的扇子显示了Japonisme的影响,这是当时欧洲艺术中流行的一种艺术趋势。惠斯勒也受到他的同事和朋友阿尔伯特-约瑟夫-摩尔的极大影响,他们的作品显示出相当大的相似性。

虽然惠斯勒在1865年就开始创作这幅画,但他直到1867年才准备公开展出,当时它在皇家学院展出。他的同事对这幅画印象深刻,但并不是所有的评论家都完全理解这幅画和它的标题之间的联系。有一篇评论特别质疑除了白色之外还有其他颜色,这一批评促使惠斯勒以一封尖锐的讽刺信作为回应。多年后,惠斯勒的前学生沃尔特-西克特批评这幅画是 "在新方式诞生之前,旧方式的低水位标志"。


Symphony in White, No. 3, is a painting by James Abbott McNeill Whistler. The work shows two women, one sitting on a sofa dressed in white, and the other resting on the floor, with a yellowish dress. The model on the sofa is Joanna Heffernan, the artist's mistress. By calling the painting Symphony in White, No. 3, Whistler intended to emphasise his artistic philosophy of corresponding arts, inspired by the poet Charles Baudelaire. The presence of a fan on the floor shows the influence of Japonisme, which was a popular artistic trend in European art at the time. Whistler was also greatly influenced by his colleague and friend Albert Joseph Moore, and their works show considerable similarities.

Though Whistler started on the painting in 1865, he was not ready to exhibit it publicly until 1867, when it went on display at the Royal Academy. His colleagues were impressed by the painting, but not all critics fully understood the connection between the painting and its title. One review in particular questioned the presence of other colours in addition to white, a criticism which prompted Whistler to respond with a scathing and sarcastic letter. Years later, Whistler's former student Walter Sickert criticized the painting as "the low-water mark of the old manner, before the birth of the new."






James Abbott McNeill Whistler was born in the United States in 1834, the son of George Washington Whistler, a railway engineer. In 1843, his father relocated the family to Saint Petersburg, Russia, where James received training in painting. After a stay in England, he returned to America to attend the US Military Academy at West Point in 1851. In 1855, he made his way back to Europe, determined to dedicate himself to painting. Here he settled in Paris at first, but in 1859 moved to London, where he would spend most of the remainder of his life. There he met Dante Gabriel Rossetti and other members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, who would have a profound influence on Whistler.

It was also in London that Whistler met Joanna Heffernan, the model who would become his lover. By 1865, Whistler had already used her as a model for other paintings, among these Symphony in White, No. 1 and Symphony in White, No. 2. Heffernan supposedly had a strong influence over Whistler; his brother-in-law Francis Seymour Haden refused a dinner invitation in the winter of 1863–64 due to her dominant presence in the household. In January 1864, Whistler's mother Anna – later depicted in the painting Arrangement in Grey and Black – arrived to stay with her son in London. As a result, Heffernan had to move out of the apartment, and only visited as a model. Still, Heffernan's presence displeased Whistler's mother, and his relationship with both women became strained.(维基百科)

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