







图片尺寸:8929 × 5820 像素
作品名称:Episode of the September Days 1830, on the Grand Place of Brussels
创作者:Gustaf Wappers
现位于:Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
实际尺寸:660 x 444 cm
版权信息: Public Domain(公有领域)



1830年的特点是革命热情高涨。巴黎经历了七月革命,这标志着查理十世统治的结束,德拉克洛瓦画了《自由领导人民》。布鲁塞尔则经历了 "九月天",结束了荷兰在1815年维也纳会议上对南部省份的统治。瓦珀斯在1835年创作了他的《1830年的九月天》...。受比利时新政府的委托,这部作品是一部不朽的、欢庆的宣言,颂扬了最近的革命和这个年轻国家新发现的独立。1828年在巴黎逗留期间,艺术家经常与革命者接触。在1830年的布鲁塞尔沙龙上,他的画作《莱顿市长皮埃尔-范德维尔夫的承诺》标志着在政治革命的激荡中的艺术复兴,并得到了胜利的接待。1830年8月25日晚,布鲁塞尔的蒙娜剧院上演了奥贝尔的一部歌剧,名为《波尔蒂奇的哑女》。在第四幕中,歌曲《对祖国的神圣爱》......引发了一场蔓延至全国的暴动。9月23日,荷兰军队进入布鲁塞尔,经过四天的争斗,于27日拂晓撤离布鲁塞尔。在一个金字塔式的构图中,《插曲......》对革命事件及其参与者进行了综述,强调了9月24日由行政委员会签署的Aux citoyens de Bruxelles......('致布鲁塞尔公民')公告的颁布,该委员会代表比利时当局处于动乱的中心。瓦珀斯曾是安特卫普学院的学生,后来他领导并重组了该学院,他引发了比利时的浪漫主义运动,该运动希望与新古典主义决裂,并以鲁本斯的画风雄辩为基础。瓦珀斯恢复了历史画,并给它打上了民族特色的烙印。1835年,国王利奥波德一世(Wappers是他的指定画家)表示希望看到《集》......在布鲁塞尔博物馆展出。由于画家希望掩盖相邻的画作,在这种情况下,这些画作被证明是鲁本斯的作品,所以这幅《插曲》被放置在奥古斯丁人的老庙里,以期唤起过往学童的爱国情怀。在布鲁塞尔展出多年后,这幅画又在比利时其他城市和一些欧洲国家的首都展出。1877年,《插曲》进入布鲁塞尔博物馆。


The year 1830 was marked by revolutionary fervour. Paris went through the July revolution, which marked the end of the rule of Charles X. Delacroix painted Liberty leading the People. Brussels, for its part, had its September Days, which ended Dutch rule over the Southern provinces, imposed at the 1815 Congress of Vienna. Wappers created his Episode of the September Days 1830… in 1835. Commissioned by the new government of Belgium, this work was a monumental and jubilatory manifesto, exalting the recent revolution and the newly found independence of the young nation. During his stay in Paris in 1828, the artist had frequented revolutionaries. At the 1830 Brussels Salon, his painting The Commitment by Pierre Van der Werff, Mayor of Leiden marked an artistic revival, amidst the agitation of the political revolution, and was given a triumphant reception. On the evening of 25 August 1830, the Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brussels performed one of Auber’s operas, entitled The mute girl of Portici. During the fourth Act, the song Sacred love of the fatherland… set off an insurrection that would spread throughout the country. On 23 September, the Dutch army entered Brussels, evacuating it on the 27th, at dawn, after four days of strife. In a pyramidal composition, the Episode…, provides a synthesis of events of the revolution and its actors, stressing the promulgation of the proclamation Aux citoyens de Bruxelles… (‘To the Citizens of Brussels’), signed on 24 September by the Administrative Commission, which represented the Belgian authorities at the heart of the unrest. A former student of the Antwerp Academy, which he later headed and reorganized, Wappers triggered the Belgian Romantic movement, which wanted to break with Neoclassicism and pick up with the pictorial eloquence of a Rubens. Wappers revived history painting and stamped it with a national character. In 1835, King Leopold I, to whom Wappers was the appointed painter, expressed the wish to see the the Episode… exhibited at the Brussels Museum. As the painter wished to cover up the adjacent paintings, which in this case turned out to be those of Rubens, the Episode… was placed in the old Temple of the Augustinans with a view to arousing the patriotic feelings of passing schoolchildren. After being exhibited in Brussels for many years, the painting went on display in other Belgian towns and some European capitals. In 1877, the Episode… entered the Brussels Museum.

Text: Brita Velghe, Museum of Modern Art. A Selection of Works, Brussels, 2001, p. 28 © Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels


图片尺寸:8929 × 5820 像素
图片大小:9.29 MB

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