
橘树,或艺术家的庭院这幅画英文为The Orange Trees or The Artist's Brother in His Garden,由画家古斯塔夫·卡耶博特创作,下面就和小编一起来欣赏一下高清原画吧。








图片尺寸:6433 × 8455 像素
作品名称:The Orange Trees or The Artist's Brother in His Garden
创作者:古斯塔夫·卡耶博特 Gustave Caillebotte
实际尺寸:w116.84 x h154.94 cm (unframed)
现位于:Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
版权信息: Public Domain(公有领域)


Les Orangers(英文名:The Orange Trees)是法国印象派画家古斯塔夫-卡耶博特的一幅油画。画布尺寸为155×117厘米(61英寸×46英寸)。这幅画由奥黛丽-琼斯-贝克获得,是长期借给休斯顿美术博物馆的收藏品的一部分,后来该收藏品于1999年捐赠给该博物馆。


卡耶博特于1878年在Yerres的家庭乡村庄园里,在户外画了这幅画。虽然印象派画家以在户外作画而闻名,但像这样用这种手法画的大画布并不多见,因为要在光线改变之前迅速创作出这样的大作品是很困难的。卡耶博特获得了这样一个例子,即克劳德-莫奈在当年3月创作的《Le Déjeuner》,它很可能影响了这件作品。


卡耶博特在画面下部阴暗的前景和明亮的背景之间采用了鲜明的对比。阴影是用柔和的绿色和紫色画的,而草坪和花坛是明亮的绿色、红色和白色。阳光和阴影区域之间的强烈界定,与印象派画家雷诺阿和莫奈的类似户外场景中出现的斑驳光线不同。艺术史学家和评论家Kirk Varnedoe认为,这种对比有助于产生一种午后的热感。


Les Orangers (English title: The Orange Trees) is an oil painting by French impressionist Gustave Caillebotte. The canvas measures 155 by 117 centimetres (61 in × 46 in). It was acquired by Audrey Jones Beck and was part of a collection that was on a long-term loan to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, before the collection was donated to the museum in 1999. The painting now hangs in the museum building named for Beck.

Caillebotte, in common with other impressionist painters of the time, had an affinity for horticulture and was one of the movement's most avid gardeners. While many of his contemporaries preferred more organic and wild settings, Caillebotte preferred manicured, formal arrangements. He trained his fruit trees with careful pruning to encourage compact growth. Critics have suggested that this may have been in keeping with his interest in perspective.

Caillebotte painted this canvas en plein air at the family's country estate in Yerres in 1878. Although impressionist painters were known for painting outdoors, large canvases such as this, painted with this technique, were uncommon due to the difficulties in creating such a large work quickly, before the light changed. Caillebotte obtained one such example, Le Déjeuner by Claude Monet in March of that year, and it is likely to have influenced this work.

The image depicts a daytime scene. Caillebotte's brother Martial is reading while sitting in the shade of the orange trees with his back towards the viewer. He is dressed in the same way as Gustave himself in Renoir's Oarsmen at Chatou. Their cousin, Zoé Caillebotte, is standing at one of the Versailles tubs, then fashionable as garden planters, which contain the trees. The poses of Martial and Zoé suggest that they are each enjoying the afternoon quietly with their private thoughts. The lightweight painted sprung-steel garden chairs in the foreground appear in other works painted at Yerres, and can be seen in a contemporaneous photograph of the estate. In the background, the bright sunlight illuminates a circular flower bed surrounded by a curving gravel path, at the edge of which a dog appears to be sleeping.

Caillebotte employs sharp contrast between the shady foreground in the lower part of the image and the bright background. The shadows are painted in muted greens and purples, while the lawn and flower beds are brilliant greens, reds and whites. The strong definition between the areas of sunlight and shadow is a departure from the dappled light that occurs in similar outdoor scenes by Impressionists Renoir and Monet. Art historian and critic Kirk Varnedoe suggests that this contrast contributes to a sense of afternoon heat.(维基百科)


图片尺寸:6433 × 8455 像素
图片大小:9.19 MB

  • 本文由 采图师 发表于 2023-02-15
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