阅读的老妇人,可能是女先知亚拿Old Woman Reading, Probably the Prophetess Anna 伦勃朗(Rembrandt van Rijn)油画作品欣赏 阅读的老妇人,...
书桌前的提图斯Titus at his Desk 伦勃朗(Rembrandt van Rijn)油画作品欣赏
It is possible that this is a portrait of Rembrandt's son Titus around the age of fourteen. Slumpe...
路克瑞莎Lucretia 伦勃朗(Rembrandt van Rijn)油画作品欣赏
In a moment of inner anguish Lucretia stands, with arms outstretched, just prior to her act of sui...
一位老人的侧面习作Study of an Old Man in Profile 伦勃朗(Rembrandt van Rijn)油画作品欣赏
The small Study of an Old Man in Profile was found by director of Statens Museum for Kunst, Karl ...