As one of the leading painters at the court of Louis XV, Jean-Marc Nattier developed a reputation...
青春女神装束的勒·费弗尔·德·考马丁夫人Madame Le Fèvre de Caumartin as Hebe 让-马克·纳蒂埃 (Jean-Marc Nattier)油画作品欣赏
青春女神装束的勒·费弗尔·德·考马丁夫人Madame Le Fèvre de Caumartin as Hebe 让-马克·纳蒂埃 (Jean-Marc Nattier)油画作品欣赏 青春...
让-马克·纳蒂埃 (Jean-Marc Nattier)油画作品拉·波特夫人Madame de La Porte欣赏
Recently established as the portrait of a fellow painter's wife, this image is the last word in h...